Application Instructions


1. Apply to Wallace State Community College Admissions- If currently attending WSCC and have completed the following, see Meet Diagnostic Imaging Requirements in section below.

Applicant must meet the following Wallace State Community College admission criteria:

  1. Apply to WSCC Admissions. Upon acceptance, you will receive your student number and are ready to apply to the Health Science Program.
  2. Official college transcripts from each college previously attended must be submitted to WSCC Admissions. The Health Science program will not have access to these documents. We recommend you request an official copy be sent to Admissions and at the same time, an unofficial copy sent to you. You will use this unofficial copy for your Health Science application.
  3. Official ACT Scores must be submitted to WSCC Admissions for accurate course placement. ACT Scores can be submitted using a high school transcript or an official score report from ACT. The Health Science application will also require a PDF copy of the ACT scores.
  4. If seeking Financial Aid, complete FAFSA application (, School Code: 007871 by June 1.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of each applicant to ensure that all information is on file in Admissions. 


2. Meet Diagnostic Imaging Requirements

Applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. A minimum of 19 ACT composite score (National or Residual) is required for admission consideration.
  2. Attain a minimum 2.5 GPA or greater on a 4.0 scale with a grade of “C” or better on all general required pre-Diagnostic Imaging courses excluding ORI 110.
  3. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. (Alabama Regulations for Control of Radiation Rule 420-3-03(6), “Occupational Radiation Dose Limits:, states that all occupational workers employing ionizing radiation, must be at least 18 years of age).
  4. Submit the online health division application with all required attachments by deadline.
  5. Student must meet the essential functions and technical standards required for the program as documented on the required WSCC physical form at -see Physical Form Essential Functions on the Health Division page.

The Diagnostic Imaging program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) located at 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606 (


Each health program has an online program application process which requires documents to be uploaded and submitted complete by June 1st for evaluation. All information must be uploaded to each online application to be complete. Information will NOT be accepted in person, by mail/email or via fax. Any missing documentation may result in your application being declined.

The application must be prepared by the applicant. Mailing address, email, and phone number must be current in order to receive correspondence. Please check email periodically for application notifications. Applicants will be notified by mail/email of your acceptance outcome by July 1st. No information regarding individual admission status will be given via telephone; do not call Admission or the program directly to obtain status. Log in to your account to review application.


3. Before you start the application, you will need

Note: All required documents must be uploaded to the application in PDF format.

  1. General Education Worksheet - Must be printed and completed using a black ink pen. The light grey shaded areas are required.
    Print General Education Worksheet
    1. Save file as – your FULL NAME GPA.pdf
  2. ACT composite score - (National or Residual Test accepted) Scores printed from Degree Works will be accepted for Wallace State students. Transcripts with ACT score are also acceptable.
    1. Save file as – your FULL NAME ACT.pdf
  3. Transcript - Print most current unofficial transcript from each college previously attended. Highlight highest grade received for courses listed on General Education Worksheet. College name must be on each transcript. The unofficial transcript must include all pages (even blank ones). WSCC Admissions office CANNOT print transcripts from other colleges. The WSCC transcript can be obtained from your MyWallaceState account.
    1. For each individual college transcript, Save file as – your FULL NAME college name.pdf
    2. If no college attended, High School transcripts are required, Save file as – your FULL NAME HS.pdf
    3. If submitting CLEP or AP credit, an official score report must be included. – your FULL NAME CLEP.pdf
  4. State Birth Certificate - (Alabama Regulations For Control of Radiation Rule 420-3-03(6),“Occupational Radiation Dose Limits”, states that all occupational workers employing ionizing radiation must be at least 18 years of age).
    1. Save file as – your FULL NAME Birth.pdf

Any missing documentation will result in your application being declined.

When all documents above are gathered, scanned and named correctly proceed to application link below.


How to Scan to PDF

All documents must be named as directed above and uploaded to the online application. Document format must be PDF with 16 MB limit. All documents must be legible to be valid. All pages of document (even blank pages, full set of page numbers) must be uploaded to be complete. ** Only one image per page. If document contains multiple pages, these pages MUST be batched together into a single PDF document.

  1. Download the Free Cam Scanner App to your smart phone,
  2. Set up Free Basic Account. See free tutorial: or
  3. From App, select files to send.
  4. Add applicant email address. Tap Send.
  5. Open email from computer, rename document as directed above and upload to online application when prompted.



4. Apply to the Program APPLICATIONS OPEN MARCH 1 - JUNE 1

First time Dynamic Forms users will be required to “Create New Account” upon entering the online application.

In order to receive application notifications use the most frequently accessed email address to “create new account”.

The application will time out after 45 minutes. A "Save Progress" button is accessible for your convenience. The draft is saved in My Forms. Application is not complete until all documents are uploaded and completed application has been submitted.

A confirmation email will be sent.

Apply Now

5. Selection

Meeting Minimal Requirements Does Not Guarantee Acceptance. Students are selected on the basis of completion of all program requirements prior to the deadline and ranked based on General Education Worksheet total.


Please check email periodically for application notifications. Once application information is submitted, it becomes the property of Wallace State Community College and will not be released from this application. Application data is not kept on file from previous year’s submission.


Accepted students are required to submit to drug screenings and background checks, as well as attend a mandatory program orientation. Drug Testing Policy and Background Check Policy are available for viewing online at on the Health Division page.